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Our business-to-business approach enables your business to receive no-cost training through our partnership with the Business Relations Division of The Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services and part of the National Employment Team (The NET)

The Net National Employment Team

Watch Your Language, Please!

Simulate This: "Try On’ a Disability"

Who Me? I’m Not Biased: This experiential session offers participants the opportunity to explore hidden biases or misconceptions about a variety of disabilities.  It is highly interactive and is adapted from one of the modules in the California-based “Windmills” training series from Milt Wright & Associates.  Through a series of tiered interactions, each participant gradually discovers many “fact or fiction” issues and relates what’s learned to the recruitment, selection, hiring and retention of applicants with disabilities….and to their own lives as well.

Length of Session: Approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes

Audience Capacity:  A minimum of 15 participants; can accommodate up to 75.

Learning Objective:  Become aware of hidden misconceptions and overcome them with enhanced knowledge and more accurate perceptions so that they do not interfere with selection of the most qualified candidates for a job, regardless of disability.

Who Me? I’m Not Biased

Watch Your Language, Please!: Many times inappropriate language in regards to disability can interfere with effective communication in press, radio, TV and film as well as during interviews, on the job, during training or in any work or social setting.  This short session allows participants to view a DVD with a plethora of “bad speak” on disability, while also challenging them to identify what is appropriate and inappropriate.  It concludes with tips and fact sheets to replace ineffective language with effective and appropriate language.

Length of Session:  30 minutes

Audience Capacity:  

Unlimited Learning Objective:  To change the language that is used when referencing disability in general or more specific disability references.

Disability Etiquette … or …

What Should I Do Now?

Disability Etiquette...or...What Should I Do Now?: Most people are eager to do the right thing when interacting with someone who has a disability, whether it be someone who is blind or deaf, or affected by a speech impediment , or cognitive impairment, or spinal cord injury, or any other disability, either visible or hidden. By attending this session, participants will learn the preferred etiquette or manner of interacting with persons who have a disability, as recommended by those who have the disability.  A series of cartoons and a short training booklet will lead the way with some “experiences” sprinkled into this power point session.

Length of Session:  Approximately 45 minutes

Audience Capacity: Unlimited

Learning Objective: To raise the comfort level of the “non-disabled” population so that they interact more appropriately with someone who has a disability.

Reasonable Accommodations: What's Reasonable and What's An Accommodation?: For those who wish to improve their approach to dialogue with applicants and employees with disabilities who may need accommodations to be determined qualified or able to do the job, this is the session for you.  The training presents an effective approach to discussions about specific workplace needs tied to a disability, along with a practical approach to documentation and implementation of “reasonable” accommodations.  Reference to helpful resources such as the Job Accommodation Network and the ADRS Rehabilitation Technology Specialist program offer tools to help identify accommodation solutions.

Length of Session: 1 hour

Audience Capacity: Unlimited

Learning Objective:  Participants will be able to conduct more effective and appropriate dialogue sessions and subsequent documentation about disability in the workplace needs.

Reasonable Accommodations: What’s Reasonable and What’s An Accommodation?

ADAAA- The Basics (Advanced session also available): Targeting human resource staff and managers or supervisors, this instructional sessions provides employers and their staff with a solid foundational understanding of the employment component, or   Title I, of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  It does not present a legal perspective but rather an educational perspective to help employers know how to comply with the spirit of the law and not just the letter of the law.  

Topics covered include:

Who is covered by the law

Who must comply with the law

Impact on recruitment, hiring, training and social workplace activities and company policies

Interviewing do’s and don’ts

Conditional job offers

Disclosure and discussion of disability

Record keeping

Length of Session: 1.5 – 2 hours

Audience Capacity: Unlimited

Learning Objective: Participants will leave with a baseline understanding of Title 1 of the ADA on the topics noted above and will be better able to recruit, hire and retain workers with disabilities without fear of unintended discrimination.

ADAAA – The Basics (advanced session also available)

Emergency Preparedness: Helping Customers or Employees with Disabilities:Though an ADRS customized workbook, cross-indexed by type of emergency and disability, participants will be provided a comprehensive, solutions-driven approach to assisting customers or employees with disabilities should an emergency arise - whether it be from a chemical spill, the weather, a terrorist situation or anything else.  Participants will also learn that emergency preparedness means a lot more than “the buddy system” in a plan of action.

Length of Session:  2 hours

Audience Capacity: Unlimited

Learning Objective:  To better prepare first responders, human resource staff, and managers with more effective types of assistance to persons with physical or mental impairments during an emergency.

Job Descriptions and Clarity of  “Essential Functions”

Click for disability etiquette

Job Descriptions and Clarity of "Essential Functions": When hiring, it’s important to know what the key job tasks are in any position within your company that is open for applications.  This session provides a very basic and practical approach to help human resource staff and managers identify core tasks for a job, along with the best way to describe those tasks in a functional job description.

Length of Session:  2 hours

Audience Capacity: Unlimited

Learning Objective: Improve the quality of existing job descriptions or create new job descriptions.

Emergency Preparedness:  Helping Customers or Employees with Disabilities

Interviewing Do’s and Don’ts

Simulate This: "Try On’ a Disability: Through a trained facilitator and some special equipment and props, participants will experience the effects of the following disabilities: Multiple sclerosis, Blindness, Speech impairment, Spinal cord injury, Cognitive impairments (learning disabilities). Each participant will be given a task to perform while trying on each disability.  Afterwards, a facilitated discussion helps attendees to better understand each disability and to learn how to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Audiences rave about this activity!!

Length of Session: Approximately 1 hour

Audience Capacity:  Can accommodate up to 30 trainees (more are possible with advance arrangements

Learning Objective:  Greater awareness regarding the challenges faced by persons with disabilities

Interviewing Do's and Dont's: Not surprisingly, the title of this session describes its content.  It provides tips on how to interview applicants with disabilities and how to get the information you need during that interview without asking inappropriate or illegal questions.  This session can easily be coupled with the ADA Basics session for a nice blend.

Length of Session: 45 minutes

Audience Capacity: Unlimited

Learning Objective: To acquaint trainees with the most effective ways to conduct a good interview involving  a person with a disability in order to make the best selection for the job.